In SOMSAC, Soldadura y Maquinados Arana we offer you personalized attention and specialized service in electrostatic painting finishes and metallic finishes with the use of Timesaver, which will allow you to obtain products with better finishes in less time.



Electrostatic painting is an electrically charged powder coating application. The powder adheres to the surface to be painted, which is grounded. As a result, it has a uniform coating, high quality, adhered to the surface, attractive and durable.




With the TIMESAVER machine, as its name indicates, it is possible to save time to give a finish to metallic pieces and / or remove the burr that has been left over from previous operations.


Teléfonos 52 (614) 410 1183, 52 (614) 416 1058

Periférico de la Juventud 9817, Col. Felipe Ángeles, C.P. 31064

Chihuahua, Chih., México.

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